Thursday, April 10

10 Great of Thursday

1. Play group
Went to playgroup today. 4 babies! Sister came and brought her babe C, so cute.

2. Icecream
Craved icecream tonight so went to Dairy Queen. I did not eat the whole thing because I did not feel like I needed it.

3. Sisters
My sister came out today to spend time with me. She came grocery shopping (I hate it), and we hung out and talk about babies and our lives, was really nice.

4. Working out
Started a new program on Sunday, really good so far. Last night was the first time my back did not hurt since my babe was born 6 months ago!

5. Taco
Ate taco for dinner, my husband makes the best taco meat, so tasty, no matter how I try I cannot make it as good

6. Baby giggles
Husband was playing with the baby in the car when we were driving, lots of baby giggles, so good! Sweet and adorable.

7. Mommy
My mommy came out yesterday and helped me to clean up and organize the house, I have no idea how I would do it without her help. My mother is so helpful, makes everything easier with her knowledge and help. I love her!

8. Baby clothes
We found a baby Calgary Flames outfit at Value Village, he looks like a little coach, just in time for playoffs!

9. Babywearing
I made a new carrier yesterday, similar to Mai Tai, so much more comfortable with the baby growing at the rate that he is 20lbs already!

10. Mommy friends
I am starting to make some good mommy friends, very good since none of my friends have babies, and we have similar likes and activities.

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