Monday, February 11

Goals and Plans

Hey peeps!

Been a while since I have updated this blog,  wow a really long while.  Life gets so crazy when working full time, with 2 little(ish) boys at home and hubby.
I have decided to jump back on the loosing weight bandwagon.  I have gained about 12 lbs in the past year or so, and they don’t seem to be moving.

I didn’t want to follow a full fledged diet since I find them so hard to stick to and so restrictive.  Looking at the food pyramid I followed it loosely for the last 3 weeks and have lost about 4 lbs.  we are planning a trip to San Diego in April and I want to feel comfortable on the beach and in summer wear.

Today is started the 21 day fix meal plan, it’s simple and straightforward.  I am still running 3 times a week and doing weights twice a week.  But with this meal plan I should be able to see some progress fairly quickly.

I’m hoping to loose a total of 15 lbs before San Diego, but realistically I need to loose about 20-25 to be truly healthy.  I have always carried a bit of extra , and I have gotten used to it... but I don’t need to .

I will not accept the fact that I carry a bit extra, I am going to work to loose about 20 and then I will see how it goes, I want to get to a point where I can maintain a healthy weight without the extra hips... for good!

Join me if you like as I work slowly to a healthy plan!!

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