Monday, December 22

Up Late...

It's 12:46 am and I am unable to sleep. Hubby let me sleep in today which was so great but 2 extra hours of sleep have to be taken from somewhere.

Lately I have been feeling a bit bored. Plus with the money issue being tight this has led me to the job market. Unfortunately in the winter our small town really has a lack of jobs, usually due to the slow down of tourists. This year with the economy being also down there are even fewer jobs leaving me with bare pickings. Luckely hubby is employed with a company that has jobs lined up for at least 2 years right now. We are very fortunate. I feel for my bro in this aspect.

Even though hubby has a great job, movey is still tight causing my hubby to be stressed. This is the number 1 reason that I am looking for a job.

If any of you local readers have any beads on work please keep me informed, thanks!

Merry Christmas to all.....very soon!
P.s baby has a cold and a new molar.....bummer

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