Wednesday, July 31

30 days of pinterest #3 and #4

Started these wall art from this post :
canvas wall art

also made some of this:
Homemade pancake mix

Yesterday seemed like the longest day at work, I had no motivation and I really didn't feel like helping anyone with getting their shit done!  I have lost my interest...maybe today will be better.
The boys were so energetic when we got home, they ran all over the yard playing "easter egg hunt" with rocks.  Then when I was making dinner they were chasing eachother at top speed through the kitchen and sliding into the bathroom.  Not sure what they had for lunch but ut certainly gave them energy.

GG is coming tonight to stay over before she leaves for Australia for an undetermined amount of time...
Miss her already :(

Time to get ready for work,   hopefully I will not spill my coffee today!

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