Saturday, April 16

Super Train!

Today we all went to the SUPER TRAIN SHOW in Calgary. 60,000 square feet of model trains of all different kinds, plus a huge section for the kids to play with train sets and Lego's.
The show was awesome, I recommend it to anyone. Q and I also had a great time and we could have spent a week there looking at all the different trains.

3 hrs later we were all tired and ready to go. Before we went to the show we drove to cochrane where I picked up a train set, baby gate, and a bunch of puzzles. We LOVE kijiji.

Ter says eee oooh for his version of uh oh. It is so cute, he has also learned the word mine! The last few weeks T has really started talking more and understands almost everything we say. Which means he listens about %10 of the time :)

Cy starts soccer on Monday, he is sooooo excited, mama might be more excited because I can't wait to see him having so much fun.

Laura hosted ladies night last night and it was sooo fun, but I had a rough start to my day because of too much wine (about 5 glasses too much)

I am starting a day home and interviewing a ton of people for a while I got no replies and now I have too many!

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