Boyz before party
bean bag baby
winding up
kitty torture
mega mega house (cy named it)
cy's car he made
cuddle boyz between parties
santa ter
santa cy

winter nature table
crazy people
Saturday was the church run Christmas party for the kids. All the kids had a blast. There was duck, duck, goose. Cy doesn't know how to play but he had a lot of fun just running around the circle. Then they all made pipe cleaner Christmas tree ornaments for the tree. Cy picked up some older women that helped him to make his. He got the ladies to do the whole tree practicly for him. They were teenagers and he is a blond cutie... what more can I say? Then the kids listened to the nativity story and Cy got to open the baby Jesus. Then it was cookie decorating time which was very hard for Cy because the cookies had eggs (allergic) and he did not understand to decorate and not eat. After a brief breakdown, Jill gave a candy cane and it was all good. Thanks guys for hosting such a fun party! Q was talking to a man that wants one of Q's homemade skateboards for a raffle!
Sunday was the Exshaw Legion party with Santa. Cy got a Thomas the Train DVD and Ter got a musical box toy. We had a great time catching up with friends that we have not seen for a while. After the party the baby slept for an hour then it was off for a surprise form daddy.
He took us to Cochrane to a huge sledding hill. The first time for both the boys. After a too fast hill for Cy he stuck to sliding on his bum. Ter loved to go fast! It was so fast that I screamed a few times myself. Shhhhh don't tell anyone. After sledding we went to a Chinese food buffet that was awesome. They even had crab legs and roast beef and all the food was great. As usual Ter ate double what Cy ate. Cy filled up on jello and fruit at the end anyway. A great way to end a very busy weekend!
Today it was so warm out that the boys and I spend 1.5 hr outside before lunch. We went to the park around the corner where there is a great ice rink. Cy and I slid around shooting pucks into the net. He cannot wait till he gets skates. I think GG is getting some for Christmas and I can't wait until he gets some too! Ter crawled around and got a few rids on a chair that I pushed him on. After a few swings and a few slides we took the dogs for a good walk before lunch. Oh and at the park there was the leg of an animal, just the leg and still covered with hair.... ewwww!
We rushed home for lunch and then off to play group. Cy had a ton of fun with Bailey, and Matis. They are all very close in age. Ter jumped right in with the big kids and played his heart out. Cy got a bit crazy when it was time to leave so after I wrangled him into the stroller he threw out his hat and mitts in a fit. I just left them there and walked away, he had cold hands all the way home. (Marie picked them up and is bringing them to play group next week) this way cy can learn some natural consequences.
We had Spanish pork for dinner. I read the boys a curious George counting book. Cy points at the pictures and counts so Ter tried to do it too! It was so cute. In the bath he tried to fill a tub with his scoop also just like Cy.... I see a pattern here!
That is my catchup! I hate missing blog days because I can't remember what we did on Friday... a complete blank!
all done!
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