Monday, January 19

New Developments

This past weekend Q babe and I went to the zoo. We have zoo passes so we don't feel that we have to run around and see everything when we go. This time babe did quite a bit of walking himself! Always a good idea to bring the stroller at this age!

Also babe has a cold and teeth comming in, he almost has a full mouth! Yesterday I started to feel a tickle in my throat and now I have a full blown cold as well. Bummer eh?

I was hired at the Kananaskis Golf Resort to do maintenace! I t starts in April and I am not quite sure if I am really ready to leave babe with someone else for part of the day. The best thing about it is that I will be finished work by 2 pm! yay, oh and free golf.

I dyed my hair black just for the fun of it, and cut my bangs.

Taffee (dog) had a cyst removed from her back and Q took the stitches out last night.
Also my house is clean....

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