Tuesday, January 27

Half Marathon Training Plan

I have finally figured out my half marathon training plan.

I mixed a few plans together to get one that seems just right for me.

This one: 20 week schedule
Mixed with this one: for the recovery week: Half Marathon Intermediate Plan

I am also going to throw some hills in the last few weeks.  The blue is upper body strength and pink is lower body strength from Lauren Gleisberg

Feel free to use my running program if you think it will work for you

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Week 3 miles, 3.32 miles, a-chest, tri,abs off, legs 3 miles, back and biceps off 3 miles,sholder abs cardio Yoga 4 miles
Week 3 miles off 3 miles off 3 miles Yoga 4 miles
Week 3 miles off 4 miles off 4 miles Yoga 5 miles
Week 3 miles off 4 miles off 4 miles Yoga 5 miles
Week 2-3 miles off 5 miles off 5 miles Yoga 6 miles
Week 2-3 miles off 5 miles off 5 miles Yoga 6 miles
Week 2-3 miles off 3 miles 5 miles 3 miles Yoga 7 miles
Week 2-3 miles off 3 miles 5 miles 3 miles Yoga 7 miles
Week 2-3 miles off 4 miles 5 miles 4 miles Yoga 8 miles
Week 2-3 miles off 4 miles 5 miles 4 miles Yoga 8 miles
Week 2 miles off 4 miles 6 miles 4 miles Yoga 9 miles
Week 2 miles off 4 miles 6 miles 4 miles Yoga 9 miles
Week 2 miles off 5 miles 6 miles 5 miles Yoga 10 miles
Week 2 miles off 5 miles 6 miles 5 miles Yoga 10 miles
Week 2 miles off 5 miles 6 miles 4 miles Yoga 11 miles
Week 2 miles off 5 miles 6 miles 4 miles Yoga 11 miles
Week off off 4 miles 6 miles 4 miles Yoga 12 miles
Week off off 4 miles 6 miles 4 miles Yoga 12 miles
Week off off 4 miles 5 miles 4 miles Yoga 6 miles
Week off off 4-5 miles off 4-5 miles Yoga 13.1
20 miles!

Yesterday was day 1, so far so good, but I have PMS and training with it is stupid hard.

Hope fully tomorrow would be better... wish me luck!

Last weeks training plan went like this:

Monday: Weights- DONE
Tuesday: Yoga/ Zumba?- OFF
Wednesday: Weights- DONE
Thursday: H|iit- RUN 4.46 KM
Friday: Off- OFF
Saturday: Run- RUN 8.5 KM
Sunday- Yoga long

Saturday, January 24

Run Free

I am aiming for an 8k run tonight once Q is done work.

After running around all day.  Kids went to swimming lessons, then a park date.  Mama is ready to have some run around time herself.

I am trying to train myself out of the need to have my shoes super tight.  I guess I am a bit OCD when it comes to having things feel like they are not moving at all.  When I put my shoes too tight then my feet get sore, sore like you take of your shoes and hobble around the house, Sore.  Not what I am looking for....

I think that I have found a half marathon Training program!  I will post as soon as I have confirmed that it is the right one.  Or at least the right one for right now.

Warm enough to wear my pink thinner tights!  Yay!

Friday, January 23


TGIF!  I am so glad that it is Friday!  It seems to have been an extra long week.  Although I did not do much out of the ordinary.. or even that strenuous.... but it was tough!

We did make it to Gym night which I was really happy about.  The more likely cause is that I am about 8ish days of from my period.  I have noticed that as I get older that I am more affected each month then I used to be.  Now I get exhausted about a week before.  Exhaustion like falling asleep on the couch at 9 pm, and having trouble keeping my eyes open at work.  This makes doing anything look horribly unappealing.  The house usually suffers and I tend to hibernate more... even when the weather is nice.

As you will see from my workout breakdown actual that I will post on Sunday my workouts suffer as well.

I am going to do this today though.. even if I end up drooling on the couch after.


Hopefully I will be awake after to watch even 1 show before the drool festival begins.

Tuesday, January 20

Gym Night

Tonight we finally got our act together to take the boys to family gym night.  It's held in our local school, just free play in the gym with any sport equipment that you want.

The boys had a ball!  They played with bouncy balls to see how high they could go.  Then a bit of badminton... but then one of them found the square skate boards.  Do you remember them from when you were in school?  They were always the best toy!  The kids asked me to race them on it, but I did not trust that my face would not connect with the floor.  Q and I stuck to badminton which I really enjoy.  We always take our rackets when we go camping.

The boys are even better then last year at throwing balls.  Its almost time for spring baseball again!

I tried a new Ham Slow Cooker Recipe today.  BUT, I substituted the maple syrup for agave nectar, the brown sugar for coconut sugar, and the apple juice for grape juice.  These were all that I had on hand, turned out great anyway.  Its from The Road to 31, Here is a link to the recipe if you want to give it a go!  It's my new favourite ham recipe.

Tonight I decided to do HIIT because I am missing running but trying to take a few days off.  I did the 30 min Full Body Conditioning Workout from Running on Real Food.  I changed it to 30 sec and 1 round of each.  I feel it already, exactly what I was looking for.

My husband grew his moustache out because I requested it, but now he has an issue,  How to hold back his hair while eating?  Rainbow loom or bobby pin?  You vote!

His hair keeps him warm when he is working...

Monday, January 19

1st Race of 2015

This weekend was my first race of 2015.

I ran the 10k Mec 2015 Series Race in Calgary.

The weather was plus 5, so nice.  After running in the coldest weather (-25) plus 5 was such a treat.

My sister ran the 5k.

My time was= 10k-1:10
Sister time= 5k-37:00

I felt really good during the race.  I ran with my sis the first 2.5k of the race.  She turned around at that point where I kept going.

A few times I felt all alone on the path... no one I could hear behind me and just the peek of someone in front of me during a straight route.  It was nice.  I am used to training alone (with dog) so I was used to the quiet.  The padding of my feet and some good music to rock to.

I probably looked like the crazy runner out there, just grinning away as I trekked along.  I love races because it is a way to prove to myself that my body is capable of amazing things.

A year a go I was still having trouble with my calves.  Even walking around the house was excruciatingly painful.  Now I can go out and run 10k without (much) trouble.  I would never say that running is easy, but it is never dull!

I did get a wicked migraine after my race (thanks Chinook)

At least it held off until after, I slept for about an hour until I felt human again.

Then it was a games night with sis and some friends.

Next day we all went to the bridal show at the stampede grounds... mom, sis, and her maid of honour.

I ate a ton of cake samples, It was fun but very interesting to people watch.  Ladies are crazy at that show!  Lots of them were dressed more like hookers and less like brides to be... must be a trend!

I am looking at my 10th anniversary this year so wedding planning is old hat!

I am now starting at least 5 days off of running before I start training for the Banff Half Marathon in June!  EEEEEK!

Last Weeks Training- Actual

Sunday: Off/ Yoga Weights - off 
Monday- Run 9- Done
Tuesday-weights/ IT BAND-Done
Wednesday- Run 7km- Run 5 km
Thursday-Weights/ IT Band- Off
Saturday- 10 K RACE!- Done

This weeks training plan:

Monday: Weights
Tuesday: Yoga/ Zumba?
Wednesday: Weights
Thursday: H|iit
Friday: Off
Saturday: Run
Sunday- Yoga long

One more tooth was lost and a visit from the tooth fairy!

Wednesday, January 14

Debt be gone!

I have redone our budget for 2015, seems that with the new total that we will be able to more $ towards our line of credit.

This means that if all goes well, we will be debt free by May 2016!

Q is Not jumping around the room.... not sure why?  I think it will sink in soon.....

Sunday, January 11


This January instead of having some new years revolutions I am going to start a Happiness Project instead.

These are my tentative areas so far:

January: Boost Energy & Vitality

  • Take vitamins
  • Kids take vitamins
  • Sleep @ 10:30 pm
  • Kids sleep @ 7:30 pm
  • Act more energetic
  • Sentence a day
  • Bedroom- decorate/ organize

February: Memories
  • start family yearbook 2014
  • order and put up pictures from Mike
  • Start scrapbook for kids
  • shadow boxes
  • empty old computer of pictures and recycle
  • Living Room- decorate/ organize
March: Choose Happy
  • act the way I want to feel
  • Deep breaths
  • play more
  • start activity chart
  • kids room- decorate/ organize

April: Love

  • less talk
  • no picky
  • appreciate the work
  • date night x2
  • no nagging
  • no dumping
  • tv free nights 2 x week
  • kitchen decorate/ organize
May: Kids
  • kids dates
  • activity charts
  • dinner at table 3 X week
  • listen to kiddos
  • bond after school, sit for snack with kids
  • front hall- decorate/ organize

June: Work Harder

  • finish 2 excel courses
  • get accounting certificate
  • start doing books for 1 client
  • advertising?
  • half marathon
  • garden organize/ set up
July: Create
  • garden work plan
  • knit 15 projects in 2015
  • project a month/ house
  • craft a week with kids
  • restart knitting group weekly
August: Pamper
  • paint nails biweekly
  • wax biweekly
  • get hair cut
  • practice make up
  • sort clothes and take stock of waredrobe

September: Routine
  • finalize family rhythm
  • finalize house cleaning routine
  • enjoy the new start
  • hire house cleaner monthly

Training Update:  Jan 11-17

Sunday: Off/ Yoga Weights - all depends on how I feel
Monday- Run 9
Tuesday-weights/ IT BAND
Wednesday- Run 7 km
Thursday-Weights/ IT Band
Saturday- 10 K RACE!

 This race will be my first 10 k since my injury over 3 years ago.  Also it will be my second race since I started running again!

After this week I am going to start a half marathon plan... but I am not sure which one to use yet.  For me I have to do yoga at least once a week.  Also I have to do my IT exercise at least 2 times a week.  Also 1 bath a week.

My goal is to finish and to still like to run when I am finished with no injuries.

I have been tying my shoes too tight lately.  I feel like my heels need to not lift up at all, but this makes my arches die.  Last week after my long run I could barely walk after.  This past Friday when I did a full 10 k I loosened my shoes, then my feet did not hurt!  Yay, but I have to retrain myself to not feel the need to have my shoes so tight.....