Wednesday, October 23

Sick day

Sick day today..... sore stomach, exhasted, cy has sicky bum= lego, magazine knitting day....

Hope this goes away but has been a great hang out pj day....

T birthday party at the pool on saturday!

Wishing that I could workout even thought I feel crappy...maybe yoga...

Ah to buid lego, then take apart... what could be better?

Sunday, October 13

Teris @ 4

Loves Umi Zumi, Ironman
Favorite color is blue
Loves to play at park and throw rocks in river
always up to see something new
very particular about what he wears
loves yellow rain jacket, hates blue one
Loves to swim
models sunglasses
loves lego and puzzles
following brother around
loves christmas lights and painting
can't wait to go to school too
like circ and logan at daycare

Cyrus at 6 years old!

Cy's favorite color is rainbow
Cy loves lego and building
Cy loves to stump me with rhyming games and adding games in the car
Cy loves to bike, swim, and hike
Cy is great at finger knitting 
Cy loves Beaver Scouts
He loves transformers and goofy kid shows
Jake and the neverland pirates
Has a great sense of style

Wednesday, October 9


When Cy was born... he was loud and huge and perfect

When Cy was 1....he crawled into the kitchen cupboard, and I couldn't find him.

When Cy was 2....we went for a walk around Grotto Pond and enjoyed a great afternoon just the 2 of us...before T

When Cy was 3....he made a house from foam floor letter tiles and played in it all afternoon

when Cy was 4....he was riding circles around the house on his tricycle

When Cy was 5... he wanted to start the bedtime story he started " I want Candy..."