Monday, June 25

Still Sick

If you have been folllowing my blog you will notice that I have been sick since the first week of May.  After 1 bout of antibiotics I felt better for 3 days and then picked up somthing else or the old one came back.

I am so sick of being sick, everyone I know is sick of hearing me wine about it.  Evern I am sick of hearing myself wine about it.... is there no end?

I also have not been working out because every time I do I either cough myself into oblivion or I feel so run down that I feel even more sick.  ( If that is even possible)

I just want to lay down and have a good cry or possibly switch my entire nasal cavity's for new ones.... hmmmm that might be an option. :)

Hope all you out there are feeling healthy and I will continue to try every thing I can think of to get healthy.

Sunday, June 10


We had our garage sale this weekend, and it snowed!  The turnout was still really good.  Q put really big signs around town sending people our way.  We made $130 which all went to groceries... but better then out of the bank account eh?

Cy has a cavity and a absess.  Looks like he chipped a piece of his tooth and then the cavity formed there, off to the dentist for the first time tomorrow, I'm guessing that they will just pull the tooth as it is a baby tooth.  Sedation dentistry here we come!

I finished my second last chapter of the Accounting 102 course yesterday so I am really looking forward to starting the last one.  I can see the finish line.. right after the really big hill called TEST.

Some retro 2010 photos I found on the kid camera after I finally put batteries into it!
Almost finished knitting a shrug/sweater for a great friend C.  She will be so happy :)

Sunday, June 3

Busy Summer... so far!

So yes I've been hiding from the blog world for a while...
As you have probably noticed I really like to post pictures with just a little writing about what we have been up to.
Well lately I have been trying to pay more attention to the boys, less Internet until after they are asleep.  Only doing one thing at a time, so if we are building a tower then that is all I am doing too.  Not the usual laundry/dishes/check e-mails/ think about budget stuff.

There are so many moments that I miss by simply trying to do too much.  Plus usually I seem to be having so much fun lately that I forget to take pictures... I have a few but not the usual amount.

We bought fishing rods the other day.. mine is PINK!  Cy has a mickey mouse one, and T has a penguin one.  Q doesn't have one yet, next paycheck.  So legally he cannot fish yet until he has a licence anyway. I am the one with the licence and the kids do not need any until they are 16.

So a man hooked a fish but cy reeled it in...

I am also trying to finish my accounting course, only the questions from one chapter and 1 more chapter then finished!  It's very hard to concentrate when you are sick.

Crab apple tree blossoms

We're going fishing! Yay , T did you here that we are going fishing!  T? T? do you hear me?

Yess I am sick again.  After 4 weeks of sinus problems a few days of antibiotics cleared it up.  Then after 3 healthy days, my sister who shall remain nameless, with kids.... shared the cold they have.  Now we are all sick again and my sinusus are screwed again.  I hope that I do not end up needing the antibiotics this time.... fingers crossed.