Thursday, March 31

I'm da Man!

Cy ran out of the bathroom and yelled "I'm da man, Mama!"
I asked what he meant. He said that he peed "like a man" standing up. Then he tried to show me but he had already peed.

My little dude is a man, is there any better indication?

Saturday, March 26

Aging Gracefully

I found this link over at Marvelous Kiddo and I LOVE IT!

Scary Night

So It's been a while. I am using my MAC and uploading from our camera is really annoying on here, I hate to post without pics so...

A few days ago we bought T a new kind of Soy milk thinking no big deal. At 3 am he woke up (as he usually does) to have a drink and we gave him the soy.

Within 10 min he was covered in hives and having trouble breathing! After a quick stop at the foothills hospital we ended up at the children's. Poor T on our way there his hives got 10 times worse! He looked so funny with big swollen red ears that even the nurse laughed at him :) After vomiting on the admit nurse T proceeded to play with all the toys and pretend that he was not sick at all! Then a nurse came and gave him benadryl and a doc looked at him briefly. He just told me not to give him the soy milk....

Then we went home... poor kiddos they were so tired it was 7 am by this point, Q took the day off work and we all slept in until 10:30am!

Nothing gives you more fear then having your babe go through something like that! It's like my sister said..." if they cut themselves or break a bone you know it can be fixed (normally), but when they have reaction and have trouble breathing you get so much fear! I'm so grateful for Q because I was barely holding together at the hospital. I could feel the tears threatening behind my eyes while I talked to the doctor! Even now thinking about it makes me want to weep!

Thanks to all the hospital staff and to those who designed the children's waiting room! It keeps a 3 yr old happy at 3 am!

Next task: allergy testing!

Friday, March 11

Pretty Fly workout

1. 30 high knees
2. 10 knee hugs

6 rounds
(abs sore from 2 days ago!)

Thursday, March 10

Reading our new library books. (sideways pic arg computer!)
Puzzle progress (750) pieces
Tater tot cassarole... so yummy
More reading
A picture in milk

Today Cy became a man... or at least a big boy. Every night he asks Q or I to sit with him and cuddle for a few minutes before he goes to sleep. He has done this since T was born 15 months ago! Tonight he asked me to leave! He did not need me any more. This may be because the boys are now sharing a room, or because he is just older. But Mama is not ready to end this ritual quite so soon... :( I wish I had cuddled with him more instead of always looking forward to going downstairs to relax... I will miss the cuddles! I WILL make sure to enjoy every moment of cuddles I get in the future. Cy also said "can you scoot over mama?" sooo cute!

Also T almost said Moon, since I pointed it out yesterday he loves to see it and make sure everyone sees it too. It was also in the book we read tonight. What a treat to a little dude!

We went to play group in Exshaw today and it was great to see everybody.

Wednesday, March 9

I did SET FIRE workout here are my scores:

1. 6,6,8,6
2.6,10,9,8(did reg pushup)
4.10,39,13,14-(changed to regcrunchies)

I was dripping sweat after! Crazy hard but I'm so happy I did it first thing!

Yesterday the boys and I had a great day! After last week where Mama couldn't seem to feel energetic physically and mentally, this week is shaping up to be better.

On Monday I watched Sam's kids for the morning. Other then M wailing like I've cut off his legs the morning went pretty smoothly. After lunch we went to Coffee & Scream... where the kids screamed and the mama got tipsy on coffee! Oh how we love our coffee!

T made a friend, about Cy's age that stuck himself to T for the whole time we were there! Cy had a blast, there were a ton of balls to play with.

Tuesday we went to Superstore to get some groceries. Cy was a very good dude! In the afternoon Cy and I worked on is new puzzle. 750 pieces! It's coming along... then I made sheperd's pie for dinner and it was awesome!

Today we went to the library and the park after.. it's meant to be warm but it's still -4. I will take it though... it's not minus 17!

I also worked out the last 2 mornings so that may be a reason for my mental happiness!

Wednesday, March 2

Look Mommy the world does revolve around me! I told you!

Ter and Cy are sleeping in the same room for the first time EVER! And it's quiet! Yahoo! Here comes the playroom!

P.s mommy is on a decorating craze pics to come soon!

Ok! Already!

Today I was able to fight off multiple attacks from a rainbow colored dragon. Those dragons are pesky buggers. Lucky for us our dragon has a bladder problem, every time Cy goes to pee the dragon is already on the potty. Oh the imagination of a 3 year old is a beautiful thing!

Later we colored our own rainbow dragons. Ter was able to get marker all over himself and also he pulled the ink part out of the markers. Shouldn't those be make more durable? Ter says NO, NO NO,NO ,NO with an accent, he sounds like a little British man.

I finally finished sewing the curtains for the boys room. They are in the laundry right now and then I will hang them. A friend of Sam's on face book had pics of her kids rooms and they were actually decorated! They inspired me to get my act together so that I do not just have a house...I have a home!