Tuesday, February 22


Today the boys and I went to a play group that was awesome. Lots of kids were the same ages as the boys so they had a ball. Also the moms were really friendly. To get to the play group I had to go on the DEERFOOT TRAIL! (cue dun un dun un...... jaws music) I made it in 1 piece even after missing my turn off. Thank goodness for city maps in my bag:)

After lunch Cy and I made stained glass with wax paper and tissue paper. I got the idea from this blog Ordinary Life Magic

Later I made carrot cookies. Very yummy... better then you would think they are like halfway between a cookie and a muffin. I think they will be my new breakfast cookie. Yum!

Also we took the dogs to the off leash park. It was @!!!*##@ freezing! They had a ball even when Keoywon tried to dominate a dog the size of his head.

All is well on the home front. I am looking forward to a knitting group meeting tomorrow and a craft class with the whole fam on sunday. I hope it gets warmer soon!

Saturday, February 19

Update Blog

Our new house! We moved to Calgary to be closer to Q's work. Please excuse the mess in the kitchen.. mama's busy doing puzzles!

There are 2 more bedrooms upstairs but the baby was sleeping...
Then there was a free reptile show last weekend.

House warming

Mmmmm dough
Cy's hat that I finished... a little tall but it will fit forever

Wednesday, February 16


Ter says Hungry! It's soooo cute and he reaches for his food when he wants it!

Saturday, February 12

Yay Internet!

I just got the internet working that we ordered here in Calgary! It took a while any many frustrations but now it works! Yay.

Soon there will be pictures of our new house and updates but now I am tired and am going to hang with the boys before bed!

Also Ter is all done breastfeeding... he has much more interest in his sippy cup. Even after he got his little finger squished in the door and the nail turned black he wanted more sippy then booby...

I guess that is the end of an era... a breastfeeding era for me. No more babies that need to be breastfed.... sad yes... but at the same time I love my two awesome boys!