Today the boys and I went to a play group that was awesome. Lots of kids were the same ages as the boys so they had a ball. Also the moms were really friendly. To get to the play group I had to go on the DEERFOOT TRAIL! (cue dun un dun un...... jaws music) I made it in 1 piece even after missing my turn off. Thank goodness for city maps in my bag:)
After lunch Cy and I made stained glass with wax paper and tissue paper. I got the idea from this blog Ordinary Life Magic
Later I made carrot cookies. Very yummy... better then you would think they are like halfway between a cookie and a muffin. I think they will be my new breakfast cookie. Yum!
Also we took the dogs to the off leash park. It was @!!!*##@ freezing! They had a ball even when Keoywon tried to dominate a dog the size of his head.
All is well on the home front. I am looking forward to a knitting group meeting tomorrow and a craft class with the whole fam on sunday. I hope it gets warmer soon!