Note to self: Don not feed baby chili for dinner if you expect to get any sleep!
Today Cy was playing with an old phone of Q's. I said " you could call daddy" he siad "i'm just pressing the okay button" i said "how do you know its the ok button?" he said" because k...o spells ok!"
That was the first word that Cy has ever read on his own! Even though t was backwards he still knew what it said. Crazy!
Also this past week Ter said " out" . He loves to put things in and out, so that made sense to be one of his first words. Also he says daddy, mom, mama,mommy, oww, wow, in, yes"
Today we went to play group and the boys had a ball. Again Cy made it to the potty but his pee pee was aimed poorly so he got his pants wet. Soon I hope he can pee standing up then we will not have this problem.
I am attempting to get my laundry finished today... again! It just seems to creep up on you!
5 hrs later... I got all my clean laundry put away! Yay and I am putting a huge dent into the dirty laundry pile.
We found out daddy got his new job with almost double the wage and benefits too. Yahoo!
I am looking forward to a good sleep after a bit of knitting... now a hat for Cy...