Monday, November 29

Baking with the boys
Sleepy Baby! Does that look comfortable?

me- " No your can't have chocolate for breakfast"
Cy- "Why do you always have to say no?" ( in a very cute winy tone)

Lets just say that Cy did get a piece of chocolate before breakfast!

We finally made it to playgroup today for the first time in almost a month. After the sniffles that wouldn't end, and then the -30 weather, we finally made it. Oh I missed it... and so did the boys. They had so much fun playing with the other kids and I had so much fun drinking coffee and talking with the moms. If I can give one piece of advice to new moms its to find a mom group to join.

We had the awesome and delicious Balsamic Roasted Pork Loin for dinner. So simple and so delicious. Q says it tastes like something from a fancy restaurant.

I also did THIS workout today so my ass is killing me!

Sunday, November 28

My Boys
The last sunday of November was a fun filled one. Daddy worked again to make up for the days he had off when it was so cold. Ter, Cy and I just relaxed all morning and i was able to finish my laundry. All my laundry! For the first time ever! Boy we really have too many clothes.

My plan is to go through all of our clothes for Cy and Ter and only keep the ones that I really like. They really do not need 12 pairs of winter pants each. It just makes for a ton of laundry and way too many clothes on the shelves, and falling off the shelves. I just need to convince the hubby to do the same with his clothes. He has about 3 trillion t- shirts! Way more clothes then I have. I am not perfect, but I went through my clothes last week and took out everything that I do not wear or is worn out, doesn't fit, ect. I wish to be VERY organized soon... Baby steps.. baby steps. Mabey Ter can teach me how!

Today we also went to the Canmore Christmas Artisans Market to visit my brother Dev who has Revolution Woodcraft. His pieces are designed and built by Devon. He is very talented and I am so proud of him! While we were there Ter walked 3 steps for Auntie Kim. We also hooked up with G.G to check out the craft sale with. G.G found some treats the Cy could eat. They were SO good. Little pretzels with white/peppermint chocolate on them and then each one had a red, green, or white jellybean. The best part is they are bite sized, just the perfect Christmas snack.

I am going to make these with Cy later in the Christmas season. At the sale I also found a few stocking stuffers for the boys. But I can't show you yet... its a surprise!

While I was reading Cy his bedtime story and singing his prayer Ter managed to take his diaper off himself! What a proud naked boy :)

Q came home and he bought a few chairs for the dinner table so now all of us can sit down at the same time... what a treat! After a long day at work for Q he is now enjoying some action movie and some chips... can a relaxed sunday night get any better? When I am done this post I am going to join him!

Merry Christmas Season!

Cy can blow his own nose now.. pinch and pull it seems that he is such a big boy, but he reminds me that he is " a little bit little" too!

Saturday, November 27

It's official folks Ter is WALKING!

The little man walking in the kitchen for the first time when I was holding his hand and then I let go. After a few moments he took a few steps for himself! I did not tell Q right away because I wanted him to see Ter walk for the first time. He just did in the living room to Q from the coffee table. It was the coolest thing to see, I love the first few tentative steps. Before we know it he will be walking and then running everywhere. ... you can see Cy's first steps HERE. Cy was 1 year and 3 weeks old when he walked.
Ter is 1 yr and 24 days old. They did it so close!

(The noise is Q's remote helicopter)

Cassie came over this afternoon and I watched all 3 of the kids for about 5 hrs. They were very good. They played nice and I was even able to finish my laundry, and do some dishes. It made me think that 3 kids may not be too much. But I think I am probably happy with the two boys that I already have. The best two boys in all the land.

We all went out to dinner with Auntie Kim (for her birthday), Uncle Devon, Auntie Kate, G.G, Auntie Sam, Uncle Mike, Cassie, and Marcus. It was great food. We went to a new Thai place that opened up in a coffee shop in the evening hours. I had the butter chicken which I have never had before and it was excellent! I cleaned my plate and almost licked it! I also had the Thai beer Singha. It is my favorite!

Later at home Ter walked for Q so I was able to write it here and let the world know!

Another great day on the home front... how was your friday?

Friday, November 26

Today the weather was warm! Only -7 yay! We were able to get out of the house for a walk with no tears or frozen kiddies. We even made it to the park but the snow was so deep that Cy couldn't walk very well to the slide. After one go on the slide we decided to just keep walking. Cy picked up some frozen snow and threw it at fences to make some snow blob art. I love getting some fresh air after being cooped up in the house for the past week and a half.

Q and I want to move to Rossland, BC where the coldest it gets is -13. Doesn't that sound balmy? Especially after the -28 that we usually have to put up with here. Also here we have the most windy town north of Crows Nest Pass. So every day that is windy is about 10 degrees colder then what the thermometer shows.

While Ter had his nap Cy and I did some stitching together. It was so mellow just hanging out with him and each of us working on our own projects. This is what we both worked on.

Ter was talking lots today and he said " wow" and "mom".

Thursday, November 25

Today Cy, Ter and I tried to walk to play group but the weather was too harsh. It was actually warmer out then it has been but the wind was like a monsoon. It almost blew us over. Even now as I write this I can still hear the wind howling outside. It is spose to be warmer tomorrow so I cannot wait until we can go to the park again. It's been so long.

Cy helped me make a crisp today. He measured out all the ingredients and also helped me mix it. Then he scooped out the crisp while we moved it into the pan. It turned out to be the best crisp that I have ever tasted. The recipe can be found here Best Crisp Ever

Unfortunatly after Cy helped me with all the work he did not like the crisp and promtley spit out the bite he tasted. More for me!

I made Ter a cute little floor doll from the book "Creative Play for your Baby" I will have pics tomorrow when the doll is all finished. Hint: It has a cute knitted hat.

Cy and Ter saw santa on the weekend. Cy told him he wanted christmas cookie cutters so I guess that I have to get some for his stocking. That way he can believe about santa longer. The magic of christmas lasts only so long.

Ter also said "uh oh!" today. So adorable. He has such a cute voice and is constantly grinning.

When we were eating dinner cy said " I like this one (tomato) it has guts. I like to suck the guts out" Can't deny a 3 yr old his own food preferences.

Child of fairy , Child of earth is my new favorite book to read the boys. I cannot wait until the similar books I ordered from Amazon come in. I LOVE books, I only hope my boys will enjoy reading as much as I do.

Q was back at work today and I do miss him at home. Money is good but I wish there was something he could do from home.

Must go cuddle with hubby! Night Night

Wednesday, November 24


Daddy was home again cause framing in -25 degrees is just torture but the forecast looks better for tomorrow. The weather man says it should be up to -10 degrees. I hope so. I love having Q home with us during the week, he gets to experience regular day to day stuff with the boys. I am also happy that he will work tomorrow because we do need the money. Always need the money... but who dosen't? Eh?

We had another good day inside because of the cold. I helped Cy build a slide and stairs and a barn out of cardboard boxes. His little dinosaur played in the barn/ park for hours. At the end of the day we all say what our favorite part was and cy said it was the park we built. I love hearing that his favorite thing was a homemade pretend play activity.

I purchased the December 3 day program from I can't wait for it to come so we can start exploring what it has to offer. We tried the October one and it was great! Each day has a theme and a craft and a story and circle time. We have started our days to have a bit more structure so these outlines will help us incorporate some more waldorf into our days.

Here's a few more recent pics.. I have so many and so little time to post them... Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 23

10 Greats of The past few days

1. Homemade bread warm from the oven.

2. Sleeping baby without a fight.

3. A working furnace ( its -29 degrees celcius outside)

4. Date night with the hubby

5. Christmas time is coming

6. A running dog

7. Other mom blogs

8. An emerging personality in Cy

9. Crafts

10. Hubby's cool flying helicopters

Mama's Day Off

Today Q took Cy to the city for groceries and home depot. It was a very rare afternoon with just Ter and I at home.

It was crazy how quiet it was... almost too quiet. I really missed my crazy dude running around and always talking and singing. You always want peace and quiet until you actually get it. I am good with just 1 hr our quiet, I don't seem to need more then that usually. Unless I am P.M.S ing but that is another story.

I was able to get my cleaning done, and I also washed the floors! It was a rare treat to be able to finish was I had started. I hate to leave things unfinished.

Q and Cy had a great day and cy even made a poo in a big boy potty at the home deopt... what a man!

Ter and I just hang out and cleaned a little and played a little.

Just now Q and I were chilling with Ter after Cy had gone to bed. Ter almost walked a few times! He can stand on his own... but he just lacks the confidence to take an independent step. He is constantly walking around tables and along the walls. He can also drink out of a cup! It was so cute to see him holding up a huge coffee mug to his face to get the smidge of juice at the bottom. He will definately walk before christmas... then I will REALLY have my hands full with 2 mobile boys!

I also baked a few loaves of bread before dinner but one was undercooked. I had made the loaves a bit bigger then I did last time. I forgot to adjust the cooking time for that. But they are still the best bread ever! I use the recipe from "Healthy Bread in 5 minutes a day", I borrowed the book from the library but I am considering buying for my own library.

Toy parade by Cy

Glu art and a snow bumbo

Monday, November 15

The Many Goings on!

Muffin Tin Monday
Have u tested your water lately
Yummy cake
Snuggle zoo boy
Let them eat cake!
Who you calling old?
I'm a mama!
Did I do that?
Smile breaks my face!
Cake cousins
Whats that contraption... don't steal my soul!

Friday, November 12

Just A Friday

Teris is now 1 (photos of the B day to follow) I have affectionately named him "Teris the terror" because he gets into everything. The everything that he gets into always ends up in him mouth. Today for instance he got a hold of a brown marker, with the exception of a bit of marker on his nose there was no ink to be seen. On closer inspection this was because he sucked all the ink out! No more brown marker! Very proudly he held up the empty marker with a jaw cracking grin.

Cyrus's water monster... I'm not really sure what this is but it involved a plastic dino and the dog water dish...interpret what you will....

Teris has a new hobby. He strolls along the toy shelf with the push truck and picks up toys, after inspecting them h places the best in is truck and carries on his way... just like mama at the grocery store.

Ter also watched Cy to see how to push wooden trains... then tries himself.

Daddy leans over Cy in the Christmas sore in banff and pours juice all over him! He he he

Family food court Edo run... we all like it and its not really junk eh? eh?

Wednesday, November 10


Cy is scared of the hungry dinosaur in his bedroom. After introducing cy to the jellbean-a-saurus that eats only jelly bean, all is okay. His name is silly jelly dinosaur in case you ever meet him...