Thursday, September 30

Bubbles Ect

celebrating cookies

more writing
discovering-these bubbles you can catch... they do not pop until later
daddy likes discovering too!

Monday, September 20

A many knits later

Despite the fact that I have not been busy here blogging I have been very busy indeed.  
I have been knitting up a storm (although not even close to the speed that my sister knits). 
I have been working in Q's sweater, yes the one that I started back in 2008.  Lucky for my Q never gains weight so when I finally get around to finishing the sweater it will still fit him.  Q is tall 6 foot 3 so that is a lot of sweater to knit...  in pattern no less!  So after looking at brown, a brown that never seemed to end I put that sweater aside and started a new one.  

For ter...very small ( 12 month old) and quick all knit stitch with bulky yarn... in a very bright blue.   After finishing about half I ran out of blue.  This yarn is no longer available to buy so I added some beige.  When I am finished... which will be soon Ter will have a very cute patchwork sweater.  Then I will return to my sea of brown to finish Q's, hopefully before the winter season is through.  Yes it's only Sept, but I DID start in 2008.

This past week or so we have all had the flu, that we all thought was a cold until the fever hit us.  Ter got it the worst with a high of 101.7 F totally sucks!  I think we may all be feeling better soon, or I hope so!  

I got a call to alter 3 pairs of pants, so I have been busy.  I brought them over to the client and made some $.  Yay add it too the debt!

Snow today and more for tomorrow but the garden still gives zuccini.  I just hope the tomatoes make it!


Thursday, September 9

Dinner at Devon & Kim's

Big robot
Uncle devon's creation

Last night Auntie Kim and Uncle Devon had Ter, Cy and I over for dinner.  Q was in calgary overnight for work.  After a good dinner or spaghetti we all started building with the jenga blocks.  Cy told Devon that he's a "good builder" so he needs to build next.  The crazy jenga creation is what he built.  As you can see Cy could not wait to knock it down.  The destructor loves to create carnage!  Unfortunately the destructor was overtaken by the wooden dino that pinched his finger and would not let go.  Ice to he rescue! Ter was crawling all over the place and pulling up on anything he can get his hands on.  A few times he just let go and stood there until he realized that he was standing them he would fall.

After dinner we came home to get settled into bed.  The boys went down surprisingly easy considering daddy wasn't home.  They were only setting me up though.   Both boys have a bad cold so they were up off and on all night with coughing and congestion.  Right now Cy hasn't gotten up yet and ter is falling asleep on the boob.  Glorious quiet for a few minutes.

At 9:30am I have my first apt to alter clothes.  Yesterday I finally got a call...I placed my posters ages ago and all the numbers were ripped off but no calls...until yesterday.  I am a bit nervous though...I've only altered my own clothes.  It has always worked out but I am still nervous about someone else's.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 2

10 Months

Happy 10 Months Big Boy!

Auntie Katie Tooted!

Swing Baby!

Teris is 10 Months today.  Oh how the time flys!  I can't believe that he is almost a year, its been less then a year since I had him in my belly wiggling around.  He is eating a ton of "real" food as well as his beloved booby.  Two days ago he stood on his own for the first time.   He was double fisting his toys and had no hands to stand with.  I think that he didn't even realize he was standing until he landed on his butt!  Right now as I type I have to constantly pull him away from the keyboard or he will change my computer settings.   Back in the day Cy was able to turn the whole computer screen took me forever to figure out how to fix it!
Cyrus is getting very proficient at using the computer mouse.  He is able to choose a color and fill in a picture on the computer using the mouse all by himself.  3 is quickly creeping up on us!  Cy knows all his letters and numbers and is now learning the sounds each letter makes.  It seems that he is learning something new everyday.  I can't wait to see what he learns next.

Today we had an awsome day at the park.  Cy met a new friend who was 4 yrs old.  They had so much fun together playing and chasing eachother.  

Later we all went to the farmer's market where mama and kate drooled over wool.  We all enjoyed bagels and a smoothie.  Then it was home for daddy made burgers with Papa too!  A long fun day.  Oh and we went to play group in the morning.  Cy is asleep and ter soon to follow!

Wednesday, September 1

Crafty Tuesday

After a long hiatus of no crafting or organized activities for the boys we started back up today!

rock art
garden bounty

We made rock art...this is a plane! Playdough was used to stick the rocks together.  Now I just need to find the time to clean the rocks so dirt dosen't get everywhere.

organic tomatoes
pulling carrots!