Sunday, April 18

Gardening: Sow the Seeds

Today Cy and I planted Lettuce, Beans, Radish, Carrots and a Lettuce Mix.  The garden looks good, but that only filled about 1/4 of the total garden because we expanded our garden from 1 4 foot by 15 foot garden box to 2.  All of our seeds that we started inside are learning to harden themselves off outside so soon we can replant them. I think that we are going to have way too many vegetables.  I am okay with this though because then we can freeze them for winter and give away lettuce if we have too much.

I went for a run yesterday 40 min.  My first run all week without pushing the stroller with the two kids.  Wow, did it ever feel easy!  I guess pushing 38+ pounds is a good workout.  I am going to sign up with Laura to do the Mother's Day 10k in Calgary.  My first!  I am excited.

I started work this week, I just work 8 am-12:30pm right now at the golf course but later I will be starting at 6.  I am enjoying my work but I do miss my boys extremely.  One day I will be stronger... maby when they are 18.

I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather as much as I am!

Wednesday, April 14

Spring Cleaning Ready, Set, Go!

We are planning to have a yard sale with my parents in May.  This gives us only a
 little bit of time to go through everything and organize.  I have lots of work ahead of me, this is what we are starting with: 


Today I made Cy some pasta with these tiny circle noodles I bought ages ago.  They are really easy for him to scoop because they are so small.

There was a bug in the box...a very tiny bug.  No big deal actually, I just popped it out and continued on our way but then I got thinking.  Are there bugs in all my dry food in the cupboard? I am now in the process of looking for glass containers for all our food.  The moment it's open... into a jar it goes!

A Few Days Ago

Our internet has been down so these pics are from a few days ago.  I also have tons of pics to catch up on.  Below is Q's sweater, you can see I have finished one sleeve and the body.   The other sleeve is about 2 inches long.  Q doesn't want to start a new trend with one long sleeve and one short...I have no idea why not.  It's my first sweater and it seems to be taking me forever.  I started it at least a year ago...I will check back to get the exact date.  I hope to be finished it for him this fall...yes this fall in 6 months.  It's possible but by no means a guarantee!  I am VERY happy to have a sister that knits so I can ask her questions as I go, thanks Kate.  She is a flight attendant so she knits on the road...she is very fast.

Our greenhouse is taking off!  Q is having so much fun!  I am the silent observer.. the boys like to do the planting.  Out in the yard the garden has started also.  In the back we removed all the dirt from the veggie bed and put landscape cloth under and replaced the dirt.  We have been fighting with a weed vine since we moved in almost 3 years ago!  I felt like I lived in olden times digging dirt with a baby strapped to my back.  I also trimmed all the annuals and watered the bushes.  I found a website from calgary that gives you monthly list to do in the garden!  I love it. 
Before you think anything that is a yam.  We made yam muffins...they are awsome, they taste like pumpkin pie and this time we put chocolate chips in them.

Baking with toddler is very clean and organized!

Friday, April 9

Pictures from the Week

Ter loves his new mini tub!

Yesterday the clouds rolled in... this is what we got!  I had to run out and save my laundry from the clothes line.  I wish that just one year spring would come and stay for good. 
Q is installing some wood floor with my dad and bro... these are the guard pigs at the house.  Cy, Ter and I are going to visit Q at work and then we get to meet these guys...I can't wait!



Today we made pancakes, Cy mixed them.  I was out of syrup so I dipped my pancakes on his plate.

"are you feeding me mama?" cy
"no, I am just stealing some dip" mama
"thanks not very nice"cy
"may I please have some of your dip"mama
"that's better"cy

Schooled by a 2 yr old!

Thursday, April 8

Spring and Baking

The other day Q was cleaning out the garage when Cy found our flippers from Hawaii.  He was pretty good at walking in them right at the beginning!  He said that he was running away to Hawaii, so cute!  His first try at running away.

After the attempted run away Cy helped me to make some cinnibuns.  Since I used "fake egg" replacer because Cy and Q are allergic the buns did not rise how they were meant to.  They tasted pretty good but became hard within half an hour  so I had to toss them out.
The bread we made was a much bigger sucess.  In fact one of the loaves did not make it past 1 hour out of the oven!  I am going to make more bread tomorrow.  I used a no knead recipe for these and I have another no knead recipe to try but it takes less time.  Also it's a whole wheat recipe.
Q likes to hang out on my clothes line.  Too bad he doesn't like to fold my laundry too!
Here is also a video of Ter in the jolly jumper he loves it! 

Wednesday, April 7


Q and I have decided that we would like to become as self sufficent as we can.  Eventually we would like to live completly off the grid.  Growing our own food and buying organic meat from local farmers.  (I will never be willing to butcher animals I have raised)

We are starting small.  This month we have started our garden, turned off our clothes dryer, started a compost, and stopped using our dishwasher (it sucked anyway).

These are just a few things we have started any we have many more that we plan for this summer.  We want to install a wood burning stove into the living room, and make rain water collection barrels to use for the garden.  

I look outside and get a warm fuzzy feeling when I see our clothes swaying on the clothesline.  Is that weird?  Of all things to give me a fuzzy feeling, eh?

We are starting our urban homestead here where we live now but eventually we would like to buy 5 or so acres with a home we build or make self sufficient with solar panels and such.  I cannot wait.  I guess one step at a time.

Sunday, April 4


Today I feel like poo.  Last night I was up for hours with stomach I just feel weak and queasy.  I think I ate too much eater treats.  I also had chocolate cupcakes for breakfast.  Possibly too much.

I have been reading the blog The Journey lots lately.  The woman on the blog went from living in a town to complete urban homesteading.  That is what I want to do with our yard.  I have read her blog from 2006 to recent to see how she did it.  Q even says I can get chickens if they are kept in the yard.  I can't wait....Chickens, goats, and  angora bunnies!

The garden is looking good.  All the seedlings are coming up and even some mystery mushrooms.  No! Not that kind of shrooms...i think.

Ter is 5 months and teething like crazy.  I wish his teeth would just come in and be over with at least for a few days until the next tooth starts.  The poor guy.  I am going to brew him some chamomile tea to dip a cloth in the chew on.

Q and I are switching rooms with the boys again.  That way we can fit the computer and my sewing table in our bedroom and away from the the kitchen table where we have to move it every night to eat.

I will have update pics soon!  I swear!

Easter and Signs of Spring

Worms in the garden!
   Walk at Cascade Ponds
Beautiful Green
Ter and Kitty cuddles
First Sign of Spring
Turnip Planting
Mystery Mushroom grew in our seedlings and we have no idea where it came from...
Sunken leaf
Jumping Boys
My new GREEN compost.  Made from our old dryer drum.
I love coloring!
Tulips, thanks Irene!
Recycled cd mobile I made Ter last week.
Hunting for eggs.  Exshaw church easter fun!
Creepy clown but great balloon animals.
Painting wooden eggs.  Perfect for the allergic to eggs boy